Thursday, May 26, 2016

Working with dates and times in SQL

Working with dates and times in SQL.

Here is the SQL that goes with the demo.

-- Database by Doug
-- Douglas Kline
-- 5/25/2016
-- working with dates

USE Northwind

-- dates/times are very important to organizations
-- one of the fundamental things that a system stores
-- is when something occurred

-- dates/times are complicated in real life
-- different calendars, leap years, time zones, etc.

-- don't try to do your own date/time calculations
-- it's time consuming, and you're likely to get it wrong

-- advice: get to know how dates/times work 
--   on the platform you are using

-- this video will be using the datetime2 data type
-- however, the concepts apply to datetime and smalldatetime

-- something simple
SELECT GETDATE() AS [Current System Date & Time]

-- see that there are many pieces to 
-- year, month, day of month
-- hour (24), minute, second, millisecond

-- to get any single piece, you use this function

       DATEPART(MONTH,  GETDATE()) AS [Month],
       DATEPART(DAY,    GETDATE()) AS [Day of Month],
       DATEPART(HOUR,   GETDATE()) AS [Hour],
       DATEPART(MS,     GETDATE()) AS [Millisecond]

-- and there are some additional convenience functions
       MONTH(GETDATE()) AS [Month],
       DAY(GETDATE())   AS [Day of Month]
       -- not one for hour
       -- not one for minute
       -- not one for second
       -- not one for millisecond

-- note that these are all whole numbers,
-- i.e., exact, integer values
-- they represent a *part* of the date/time
-- they *don't* represent a duration or period of time
-- so you'll never see a "7.2 days" using DATEPART

-- so let's see this work
SELECT   orderdate
FROM     orders
WHERE    YEAR(orderdate)  = 1997
  AND    MONTH(orderdate) = 2
ORDER BY orderdate

-- note that there are performance implications
-- for the next video

-- so how to create a new datetime2?
SELECT DATETIME2FROMPARTS(2016, 2, 15,17,30,1,0,0)
         AS [Feb 15 2016 5:30PM and 1 second]

-- it is possible to *implicitly* make a datetime2
--  starting with a string representation

DECLARE @d  AS datetime2
SET @d = '2016-02-15 17:30:01' -- implicit conversion
SELECT @d AS [datetime2 implicitly converted from varchar]

-- sql server will implicitly convert from
-- a wide variety of formats

-- generally a dangerous thing to do
-- prone to error
-- be *explicit*


-- what about moving forward or back in time
-- there is a function for that: DATEADD

SELECT   DATEADD(MONTH,          7, GETDATE()) AS [7 months from now],
         DATEADD(DAY,           77, GETDATE()) AS [77 days from now],
         DATEADD(YEAR,         -14, GETDATE()) AS [14 years ago],
         DATEADD(MILLISECOND, 3500, GETDATE()) AS [3.5 seconds from now],
         DATEADD(QUARTER,      -20, GETDATE()) AS [20 quarters ago],
         DATEADD(WEEKDAY,       37, GETDATE()) AS [37 weekdays from now]

-- the arguments are:
--    first: time unit to be used, by namme
--    second: positive or negative integer
--             meaning number of time units added/subtracted
--    third: a datetime2 expression - the starting point in time

-- note the milliseconds example above
-- see the difference here
SELECT   GETDATE()                       AS [now],
         DATEADD(SECOND, 3.5, GETDATE()) AS [3 seconds from now]

-- the 3.5 is onverted from a floating point to an integer
-- so the 0.5 is effectively ignored

-- how do we find the difference between two dates?
-- we use the datediff function

SELECT orderid,
       DATEDIFF(day,  orderdate, shippedDate) AS [days until shipped],
       DATEDIFF(week, orderdate, shippedDate) AS [weeks until shipped]
FROM   orders

-- the arguments are:
-- first:  the unit of time measure, by name
-- second: the first date
-- third:  the second date

-- you might notice something odd in the weeks column
-- note orderid 10249 (second record)
-- days are 5, but it shows 1 week

SELECT orderid,
       DATEPART(WEEKDAY,orderdate)            AS [weekday of order],
       DATEPART(WEEKDAY, shippeddate)         AS [weekday shipped],
       DATEDIFF(day,  orderdate, shippedDate) AS [days until shipped],
       DATEDIFF(week, orderdate, shippedDate) AS [weeks until shipped]
FROM   orders
WHERE  orderID = 10249

-- DATEDIFF gives a count of 
-- the number of time unit *boundaries* passed between the two dates
-- since the orderdate weekday is 6
-- and the shippedDate weekday is 4
-- a single week boundary was passed
-- i.e., 6, 7, *boundary*, 1, 2, 3, 4

--DATEDIFF returns a COUNT of boundaries passed
-- it does NOT measure time (or at least not accurately...)

-- in summary:
--  datetime2, datetime, smalldatetime, etc. are complex data types
--  use the functions provided - don't try to roll-your-own calculations
--  GETDATE gives current system time
--  DATEADD moves forward or back from a given point in time
--  DATEDIFF gives the number of time unit boundaries passed between two datetimes

-- Database by Doug
-- Douglas Kline
-- 5/25/2016
-- working with dates

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Advanced use of the LIKE operator in SQL

Advanced use of the LIKE operator in SQL.

Here is the SQL that goes with the demo.

-- Database by Doug
-- Douglas Kline
-- 5/19/2016
-- LIKE, advanced

use northwind

-- some advanced things to do with LIKE
-- if you are new to using LIKE, see my earlier video
-- previous video covers simple wildcard matching with % and _

-- we'll cover character sets
-- and specific use cases, i.e., how to do....

-- let's start with a simple example from the products table

SELECT   ProductName,
FROM     Products
ORDER BY ProductName

-- notice that there are 77 products

-- now, let's limit that to all the products
-- whose names start with the letter A

SELECT   ProductName,
FROM     Products
WHERE    ProductName LIKE 'a%'
ORDER BY ProductName

-- what about begins with A or B or C
SELECT   ProductName,
FROM     Products
WHERE    ProductName LIKE 'a%'
  OR     ProductName LIKE 'b%'
  OR     ProductName LIKE 'c%'
ORDER BY ProductName

-- can also be phrased as

SELECT   ProductName,
FROM     Products
WHERE    ProductName LIKE '[abc]%'
ORDER BY ProductName

-- the square brackets mean:
-- "a single character from within this set"

SELECT   ProductName,
FROM     Products
WHERE    ProductName LIKE '[abc][lho]%'
ORDER BY ProductName

-- this one means
-- first letter is from this set: [abc]
-- second letter is from this set: [lho]
-- then zero or more characters after the first two letters

-- this can also be phrased as a "list", like this:

SELECT   ProductName,
FROM     Products
WHERE    ProductName LIKE '[a-c][lho]%'
ORDER BY ProductName

-- the hyphen means,
-- all characters alphabetically between the two letters
-- what about this?

-- products whose name does not start with
-- an a or b or c
SELECT   ProductName,
FROM     Products
WHERE    NOT   (ProductName LIKE 'a%'
            OR  ProductName LIKE 'b%'
            OR  ProductName LIKE 'c%')
ORDER BY ProductName

-- another option:

SELECT   ProductName,
FROM     Products
WHERE    ProductName NOT LIKE '[abc]%' -- using NOT
ORDER BY ProductName

-- can be rephrased like this:
SELECT   ProductName,
FROM     Products
WHERE    ProductName LIKE '[^abc]%'
ORDER BY ProductName

-- note the carat symbol ^ inside the brackets
-- this means
-- "any single character not in this list"

-- and this:
SELECT   ProductName,
FROM     Products
WHERE    ProductName LIKE '[^abc][^lho]%'
ORDER BY ProductName

-- this one means
-- first letter is NOT from this set: [abc]
-- second letter is NOT from this set: [lho]
-- then zero or more characters after the first two letters

-- another 
SELECT   ProductName,
FROM     Products
WHERE    ProductName LIKE '[a-ce-j]%' -- skips d
ORDER BY ProductName
-- means single letter in the set of letters
-- a thru c OR e thru j
-- then zero or more letters

-- so let's go through some common uses

-- number of letters
-- has at least 6 characters
SELECT   'match'   as [test]
WHERE    '1234567' LIKE '______%' -- 6 underscores

SELECT   'match'   as [test]
WHERE    '12345'   LIKE '______%' -- 6 underscores

-- begins with a letter
SELECT   'match'
WHERE    'product' LIKE '[a-z]%'

SELECT   'match'
WHERE    '3product' LIKE '[a-z]%'

-- begins with a letter
-- and is at least 6 characters
SELECT   'match'
WHERE    'a12345' LIKE '[a-z]_____%' -- 5 underscores

SELECT   'match'
WHERE    'a1234' LIKE '[a-z]_____%' -- 5 underscores

SELECT   'match'
WHERE    '012345' LIKE '[a-z]_____%' -- 5 underscores

-- begins with a number
SELECT   'match'
WHERE     '0abcdefgh' LIKE '[0-9]______%' -- 6 underscores

-- begins with a letter, contains a number
SELECT   'match'
WHERE    'abc5' LIKE '[a-z]%[0-9]%'

-- ending / trailing spaces

SELECT   'match'
WHERE    ' abc' LIKE ' %'

-- ending / trailing punctuation

SELECT   'match'
WHERE    '?abc345' LIKE '[!@#$%?,.]%'

-- whitespace char, i.e., tab

-- note that char(9) returns the ASCII tab character
-- also note that + is the concatenation operator
-- thus the format string is square brackets
-- with a space and a tab character
-- it checks for tabs or spaces

SELECT   'match'
WHERE    'db' + char(9) + 'Doug' LIKE '%[ ' + char(9) + ']%'

-- detect punctuation character
-- ASCII has 
SELECT   'match'
WHERE    'abc{abc' 
   LIKE  '%[' 
         + char(33) + '-' + char(47) -- ASCII '!' thru '/'
         + char(58) + '-' + char(64) -- ASCII ':' thru '@'
         + char(91) + '-' + char(96) -- ASCII '[' thru '`'
         + char(123)+ '-' + char(126)-- ASCII '{' thru '~'
         + ']%'

SELECT   'match'
WHERE    'abc]abc' 
   LIKE  '%[' 
         + char(33) + '-' + char(47) -- ASCII '!' thru '/'
         + char(58) + '-' + char(64) -- ASCII ':' thru '@'
         + char(91) + '-' + char(96) -- ASCII '[' thru '`'
         + char(123)+ '-' + char(126)-- ASCII '{' thru '~'
         + ']%'

-- contains unprintable characters
SELECT   'match'
WHERE    'abc'
         + char(7) -- bell character
         + 'abc' 
   LIKE  '%[^'  -- note the carat here
         + char(32) + '-' + char(126)
         + ']%'

-- same technique can be used for whitespace characters
-- same technique can be used for unicode character set

-- Database by Doug
-- Douglas Kline
-- 5/19/2016
-- LIKE, advanced

Saturday, May 21, 2016

The SQL LIKE Operator

A short video covering the LIKE operator in SQL.

Here is the SQL that goes with the demo.

-- Database by Doug
-- Douglas Kline
-- 5/11/2016

use northwind

-- the LIKE statement is a logical operator that evaluates
-- if a set of characters matches a pattern
-- if it matches, it returns true
-- otherwise it returns false

-- since LIKE returns a logical value,
-- it is common to use LIKE in the WHERE clause, 
-- which expects logical expressions

-- if you don't know the WHERE clause,
-- check out another video on my channel

-- let's start with a simple example from the products table

SELECT   ProductName,
FROM     Products
ORDER BY ProductName

-- notice that there are 77 products

-- now, let's limit that to all the products
-- whose names start with the letter A

SELECT   ProductName,
FROM     Products
WHERE    ProductName LIKE 'a%'
ORDER BY ProductName

-- now all the products whose names end in A
SELECT   ProductName,
FROM     Products
WHERE    ProductName LIKE '%a'
ORDER BY ProductName

-- now all the products that have an A anywhere
SELECT   ProductName,
FROM     Products
WHERE    ProductName LIKE '%a%'
ORDER BY ProductName

-- and all the ones without an A anywhere
SELECT   ProductName,
FROM     Products
WHERE    ProductName NOT LIKE '%a%'
ORDER BY ProductName

-- as you can see, the % character is special
-- it's a "wildcard" character, i.e.,
-- it can "match" on characters

-- before we go on, the general format of the LIKE operator is

-- [characterExpression] LIKE [formatExpression]

-- the [characterExpression] is the part that will be tested
-- the [formatExpression] defines the "test", or the format
--     used to test the [characterExpression] 

-- in the example above:
 --  ProductName LIKE '%a%'
 -- ProductName is the [characterExpression]
 -- '%a%' is the [formatExpression]

 -- ProductName            LIKE   '%a%'
 -- [characterExpression]  LIKE   [formatExpression]

 -- its best to think of LIKE as a comparison operator, 
 -- similar to <, >, <=, >=, !=, etc.
 -- e.g., WHERE age > 35
-- the expressions on the left and right are compared,
--  based on a set of rules

-- there are two main special characters for LIKE

-- special character #1: % can match on zero or more characters

-- for demonstration purposes
-- a record with the word Match! is shown if the WHERE
-- clause evaluates to true
SELECT 'Match!'
WHERE  1=1

SELECT 'Match!'
WHERE  1=2

-- some examples...

SELECT 'Match!'
WHERE  'Fred' LIKE 'F%'

-- yes, Fred starts with F
-- the F matches on F, 
--  and the % matches on 'red'

SELECT 'Match!'
WHERE  'Fred' LIKE 'S%' 

-- no Fred doesn't start with S

 -- note that LIKE is case insensitive
SELECT 'Match!'
WHERE  'Fred' LIKE 'f%'

SELECT 'Match!'
WHERE  'fred' LIKE 'F%'

-- what about this
SELECT 'Match!'

-- yes, it matches
-- in this case, the F matches on 'F'
-- and the '%' matches on '', i.e., nothing

-- again, % matches on *zero* or more characters

-- how about this one

SELECT 'Match!'
WHERE  'Fred' LIKE 'F%d'

-- must start with F and end with d, any number of characters

-- or this

SELECT 'Match!'

-- or this

SELECT 'Match!'
WHERE  'Fred' LIKE '%r%'

-- must contain an r, any number of characters

-- or this

SELECT 'Match!'
WHERE  'Fred' LIKE '%f%'

-- must contain an f, any number of characters

-- or this

SELECT 'Match!'
WHERE  'F' LIKE '%ed'

-- must end in ed, any number of characters

-- and of course, most characters are NOT special
-- and must match exactly

SELECT 'Match!'
WHERE  'Fred' LIKE 'Fred'

-- but with no special characters 
-- it may make more sense to do this:

SELECT 'Match!'
WHERE  'Fred' = 'Fred'

-- special character #2: _ (underscore) matches exactly one character

SELECT 'Match!'
WHERE  'Fred' LIKE '____' -- 4 underscores

-- must have exactly 4 characters

SELECT 'Match!'
WHERE  '1F7.' LIKE '____' -- 4 underscores

-- must have exactly 4 characters

SELECT 'Match!'
WHERE  'Fred' LIKE '___' -- 3 underscores

-- must have exactly 3 characters

SELECT 'Match!'
WHERE  'Fred' LIKE 'F___' -- 3 underscores

-- must start with F, and have exactly 4 characters

SELECT 'Match!'
WHERE  'Fred' LIKE 'F__d' -- 2 underscores

-- must start with F, end in d, and have exactly 4 characters

-- combining the special characters

SELECT 'Match!'
WHERE  'Frederick' LIKE 'F__%' -- 2 underscores

-- must start with F and have at least 3 characters

SELECT 'Match!'
WHERE  'Frederick' LIKE '%_d_%'

-- must contain a d
-- d must not be the first or last letter
-- implies at least 3 characters

-- in summary
-- LIKE is a comparison operator
-- is compares a character string to a format string
-- % is a special character that matches on zero or more characters
-- _ is a special character that matches on exactly one character
-- other characters must match exactly
-- remember, digits and most punctuation are characters

-- thanks for watching

-- Database by Doug
-- Douglas Kline
-- 5/11/2016
