Saturday, October 20, 2018

Using ANY and ALL in SQL

-- Database by Doug
-- Douglas Kline
-- 10/19/2018
-- ANY and ALL

-- comparing a value to a column of values
-- (aka acomparing a scalar to a vector of scalars)

-- consider this setup for testing
-- if the WHERE condition is true or false

SELECT 1       AS [isTrue?]
WHERE  10 = 10 -- testing if this is true or false

SELECT 1       AS [isTrue?]
WHERE  10 <> 10 -- testing if this is true or false

-- we get a record if it is true, otherwise no record

-- also, see how I can create a literal table

SELECT   tempField
FROM     (VALUES(11),(12),(7)) tempTable(tempField)

-- note that this creates a single column of values
-- which could be used in something like IN
-- for example
WHERE    12 IN    (  SELECT   tempField
                     FROM     (VALUES(11),(12),(7)) tempTable(tempField))

-- I could rephrase this as:
WHERE    12 = ANY (  SELECT   tempField
                     FROM     (VALUES(11),(12),(7)) tempTable(tempField))

-- back to the first example:
SELECT 1          AS [isTrue?]
WHERE  10 > 11    

-- I'm comparing a single scalar value, 10, with another
-- single scalar value, 11

-- now consider if I want to compare the value 10
-- to multiple other values
WHERE  10 > 11
  OR   10 > 12
  OR   10 > 7

-- this is three logical expressions
-- combined with OR into the whole logical expression
-- so if ANY of them are true
-- the whole logical expression is true 

-- now let's say that the values 11, 12, 7 are in a column
-- since we're in an RDBMS, they are *likely* to be in a column

-- I can rephrase this with ANY like this:

WHERE  10 > ANY (SELECT tempfield 
                 FROM (VALUES
                       ) AS tempTable(tempfield))

-- this is exactly equivalent to:

WHERE  10 > 11
  OR   10 > 12
  OR   10 > 7

-- back to the first example again...
-- back to the first example:
SELECT 1          AS [isTrue?]
WHERE  10 > 11    

-- let's say I want to do multiple comparisons again
-- but AND them together like this:

WHERE  10 > 11    -- logical expression 1
  AND  10 > 12    -- logical expression 2
  AND  10 > 7     -- logical expression 3

-- this is three logical expressions
-- combined with ANDs into the whole WHERE
-- logical expression
-- so all three expressions must be true
-- for the WHERE clause to be true

-- I can make it true with different values:
WHERE  10 > 9    -- logical expression 1
  AND  10 > 8    -- logical expression 2
  AND  10 > 7    -- logical expression 3

-- I can rephrase this with ALL
-- with the values in a column

WHERE  10 > ALL (SELECT tempfield 
                 FROM (VALUES
                       ) AS tempTable(tempfield))
 -- and get it to be true with a change to the values
WHERE  10 > ALL (SELECT tempfield 
                 FROM (VALUES
                       ) AS tempTable(tempfield))

-- so you can think of ANY and ALL 
-- as comparison operator modifiers

-- comparison operators usually take a scalar value on each side

-- scalar  scalar

--  3 < 7
--  3 > 7
--  3 = 7
--  3 != 7
--  3 <> 7
--  3 <= 7
--  3 >= 7

-- ANY and ALL take a scalar on the left, and a column on the right

-- scalar  ANY column
-- scalar  ALL column
-- 3 < ANY ((1),(2),(3))
-- 3 >= ALL ((1),(2),(3))

-- and the column is generally created with a SELECT statement

-- scalar  ANY (SELECT  FROM...)
-- scalar  ALL (SELECT  FROM...)

-- so here's a more concrete example using the Northwind database Orders table

-- suppose we want to know a list of customers who paid more than
-- $200 on freight on an order in 1996?
-- in other words $200 < ANY(orders in 1996)

SELECT   CompanyName
FROM     Customers
WHERE    $200 < ANY (SELECT freight
                     FROM    Orders
                     WHERE   Orders.CustomerID = Customers.CustomerID
                        AND  YEAR(Orderdate) = 1996)
ORDER BY CompanyName

-- notice that this is a correlated subquery
-- it refers to the outer query (Customers.customerID)

-- also notice that this could be rephrased

SELECT   DISTINCT Customers.CompanyName
FROM     Customers
   JOIN  Orders      ON Customers.CustomerID = Orders.CustomerID
WHERE    Orders.Freight > $200
   AND   YEAR(Orders.OrderDate) = 1996
ORDER BY CompanyName

-- is there a difference? why one and not the other
-- it depends

-- depending on your situation, one SQL phrasing might 
-- be clearer than another

-- depending on your data model, volume, statistics, indexes, etc.
-- one might be faster than the other
-- in other words, you might get different query plans

-- in general, I recommend writing your SQL in the clearest
-- manner possible
-- then carefully rephrasing to a better performing, but
-- perhaps less understandable, form if there is a performance issue

-- in summary,
-- ANY and ALL modify comparison operators
-- they succinctly compare a single scalar to
-- a column of scalars

-- thanks for watching!

-- Database by Doug
-- Douglas Kline
-- 10/19/2018
-- ANY and ALL

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