Thursday, October 4, 2018

Foreign Keys in Relational Databases

-- Database by Doug
-- Douglas Kline
-- 10/1/2018
-- Foreign Keys

USE Northwind
-- Foreign Keys
-- a field in one table (table A)
-- that references a primary key value in another table (table B)

-- for example, the Categories and Products table from Northwind
-- (show diagram)

-- in this case, the foreign key is
-- Products.CategoryID, i.e., the CategoryID field in Products

-- from a practical usage standpoint
-- the foreign key is a "lookup"
-- consider this:

SELECT   ProductID,
FROM     Products

SELECT   CategoryID,
FROM     Categories

-- note how I can use the Products.CategoryID
-- value to find the CategoryName of the right Category

-- note that Primary Keys are UNIQUE and NOT NULL
-- e.g., Products.ProductID, Categories.CategoryID
-- but Foreign Keys can be NOT UNIQUE and NULL
-- e.g., Products.CategoryID

-- in this situation, many products can be
-- in the same category
-- and a product could have an unknown category
-- (products can exist without a category)

-- in a sense, FKs define a "relationship"
-- between two records
-- in this case, each product record is related
-- to a category record
-- (or not, in the case of NULL FK)

-- to be able to "lookup" from one table to another
-- you just need two fields of similar data types

-- however, what if you want to make sure 
-- that the lookups values are always *good*
-- in other words, that values in
-- Products.CategoryID are actually over in
-- the Categories table?

-- this requirement, that FK values are valid
-- is called *referential integrity*

-- note that this is a constraint on
-- the Products.CategoryID field
-- it must be a valid value that
-- exists over in the Categories.CategoryID field

-- let's see it in the definition of Products

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Products]
   [ProductID]    [int] IDENTITY(1,1)  NOT NULL,
 [ProductName]  [nvarchar](40)       NOT NULL,
 [CategoryID]   [int]                NULL
   -- other fields omitted for clarity
 CONSTRAINT [PK_Products] 
    [ProductID] ASC
 CONSTRAINT [FK_Products_Categories]
   REFERENCES [dbo].[Categories] ([CategoryID])

-- note the REFERENCES section
-- note the allowed NULL for CategoryID

-- this means that on any UPDATE or INSERT to Products
-- a Product record must always have a valid CategoryID
-- or a NULL value (unknown)

-- (demo this)

-- it also means that on any UPDATE or DELETE to Categories
-- all Product records must always have a valid CategoryID
-- or a NULL value (unknown)

-- (demo this)

-- If we have referential integrity for all Product records
-- then we can be confident that our JOINs between the two tables
-- provide valid results

SELECT   Products.ProductID,
FROM     Products 
   JOIN  Categories ON Products.CategoryID = Categories.CategoryID
ORDER BY Products.ProductID

-- JOINs are a way of doing multiple "lookups"
-- of FK values to PK values
-- but that's another video...

-- in summary,
-- foreign keys provide a "lookup" mechanism
-- for records in two different tables
-- this also defines how the two tables are "related"
-- *referential integrity* enforces "good" foreign keys
-- in other words, a FK should always have a valid value
-- FK values can repeat - be non-UNIQUE
-- FK values can be NULL - unknown

-- thanks for watching!

-- Database by Doug
-- Douglas Kline
-- 10/1/2018
-- Foreign Keys

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