Wednesday, February 17, 2016

The HAVING clause in SQL

A short video covering the HAVING clause in SQL.

Here is the SQL that goes with the demo.

-- Database by Doug
-- Douglas Kline
-- 2/17/2016
-- HAVING - how to limit which groups are shown

USE Northwind

-- you might want to check out
-- GROUP BY part 1 - introduction
-- GROUP BY part 2 - NULL handling and COUNTs
-- GROUP BY part 3 - unique groupings and multi-column groups

-- a simple query from Products, leaving out any JOINs for clarity

SELECT    CategoryID,
FROM      Products
ORDER BY  CategoryID,

-- now grouping by Category, and calculating average unit price
SELECT    CategoryID,
          AVG(Unitprice) AS [average unit price]
FROM      Products
GROUP BY  CategoryID
ORDER BY  CategoryID

-- now suppose that we'd like to only see
-- "high priced categories"

-- we could maybe do this:
SELECT    CategoryID,
          AVG(Unitprice) AS [average unit price]
FROM      Products
GROUP BY  CategoryID
ORDER BY  [average unit price] DESC

-- now the higher priced categories are at the top

-- I might even be able to use the non-ANSI-standard
-- TOP clause like this:

          AVG(Unitprice) AS [average unit price]
FROM      Products
GROUP BY  CategoryID
ORDER BY  [average unit price] DESC

-- but what if I want a cut-off
-- only show categories whose average unitprice is above $30
-- there's a statement for that: HAVING

SELECT    CategoryID,
          AVG(Unitprice) AS [average unit price]
FROM      Products
GROUP BY  CategoryID
HAVING    AVG(Unitprice) > 30   -- this is the new piece
ORDER BY  [average unit price] DESC

-- the new part is the HAVING clause
-- the HAVING clause is similar to the WHERE clause
-- in that it specifies a logical expression 
-- that can be evaluated as true or false

-- however, the logical expression is evaluated 
-- for each *group* (in our case, each group represents a category)

-- with the WHERE clause
-- the logical expression is evaluated
-- for each *record* (in our case, each record represents a product)

-- consider this example
SELECT    CategoryID,
          AVG(Unitprice) AS [average unit price]
FROM      Products
GROUP BY  CategoryID
HAVING    COUNT(productID) > 2   -- this is the new piece
ORDER BY  [average unit price] DESC

-- here we are saying, only show categories
-- that have at least two products in them
-- notice that the HAVING doesn't have to be
-- something in the SELECT clause

-- consider this example
SELECT    CategoryID,
          AVG(Unitprice) AS [average unit price]
FROM      Products
GROUP BY  CategoryID
HAVING    MIN(unitprice) > 5  -- this is the new piece
ORDER BY  [average unit price] DESC

-- here, only show categories
-- with minimum-priced products greater than $5

-- note that in the last three examples,
-- the average unit price does not change for each category
-- what changes, is which categories are displayed

-- now consider these:
SELECT    CategoryID,
          AVG(Unitprice) AS [average unit price]
FROM      Products
GROUP BY  CategoryID
ORDER BY  [average unit price] DESC

SELECT    CategoryID,
          AVG(Unitprice) AS [average unit price]
FROM      Products
WHERE     unitsInStock > 0 -- this is the changed part
GROUP BY  CategoryID
ORDER BY  [average unit price] DESC

-- notice that the average unit prices change
-- and potentially, the order of the rows could change

-- this is because only products with unitsInStock > 0
-- are included in the groups

-- and therefore, the aggregations (AVG, MIN, MAX, COUNT, etc.)
--  change

-- so, here is a good way 
-- to think about the order
-- in which the operations are performed

-- WHERE comes first - records are eliminated before the grouping
-- GROUP BY comes next - remaining records are arranged into groups
-- HAVING comes next - groups are eliminated
-- ORDER BY comes last - what's left gets ordered

-- a larger last example
SELECT   Suppliers.CompanyName,
             * Products.unitsInStock
            )        AS [Value of Inventory]
FROM     Products
   JOIN  Suppliers   ON Products.SupplierID = Suppliers.SupplierID
WHERE    Products.CategoryID IN (1, 3)
GROUP BY Suppliers.CompanyName,
HAVING   COUNT(ProductID) > 1
ORDER BY [Value of Inventory] DESC

-- in english:
-- show the dollar value of inventory, by supplier
-- only include products in categories 1 and 3
-- only include suppliers that supply more than one product
-- order the suppliers by descending value of inventory

-- a few things to note
-- the GROUP BY has a Suppliers.SupplierID to ensure a unique grouping
-- The WHERE clause could be changed without affecting any other part
-- THE HAVING clause could be changed without affecting any other part
-- (of course the results change...)

-- another interesting note: HAVING is not strictly needed
-- you can accomplish a HAVING using a subquery
-- going back to my first example

SELECT    CategoryID,
          AVG(Unitprice) AS [average unit price]
FROM      Products
GROUP BY  CategoryID
HAVING    AVG(Unitprice) > 30   
ORDER BY  [average unit price] DESC

-- could equivalently be done 
-- using a subquery in the FROM clause
-- like this:
SELECT   CategoryID,
         [average unit price]         
FROM     (SELECT   CategoryID,
                   AVG(Unitprice) AS [average unit price]
          FROM     Products
          GROUP BY CategoryID) [CategorySubquery]
WHERE    [average unit price] > 30
ORDER BY [average unit price] DESC

-- but the HAVING clause is much clearer
-- especially with situations like one-to-many aggregation joins
-- like the one above:

SELECT   Suppliers.CompanyName,
             * Products.unitsInStock
            )        AS [Value of Inventory]
FROM     Products
   JOIN  Suppliers   ON Products.SupplierID = Suppliers.SupplierID
   JOIN  (SELECT   SupplierID,
                   COUNT(ProductID) AS [product count]
          FROM     Products
          WHERE    Products.CategoryID IN (1,3)
          GROUP BY SupplierID
         ) [SupplierGroup]
                     ON Suppliers.SupplierID = SupplierGroup.SupplierID
WHERE    [SupplierGroup].[product count] > 1
GROUP BY Suppliers.CompanyName,
ORDER BY [Value of Inventory] DESC

-- compared to:
SELECT   Suppliers.CompanyName,
             * Products.unitsInStock
            )        AS [Value of Inventory]
FROM     Products
   JOIN  Suppliers   ON Products.SupplierID = Suppliers.SupplierID
WHERE    Products.CategoryID IN (1, 3)
GROUP BY Suppliers.CompanyName,
HAVING   COUNT(ProductID) > 1
ORDER BY [Value of Inventory] DESC

-- thanks for watching and / or reading

-- Database by Doug
-- Douglas Kline
-- 2/17/2016
-- HAVING - how to limit which groups are shown

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